Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Life used to be so easy!

Today my daughter asked me "Mommy don't you wish we could fly?" I thought about it and responded "yes, sometimes" She got mad because she REALLY, REALLY wishes we could fly. I remember as a child wishing I could fly so bad! Now as an adult that seems a lot less important.
Not only was life easier as a child, but so was having faith. In the scriptures it tells us to come unto Christ as a little child, humble, meek and submissive. When we were children it was so easy to just KNOW that the Savior loved us. Now as adults we have been kicked around by life and have lost some of that innocence. I guess that is one of the true tests in this life, do we still have faith even after all of our trials?


  1. So true. Every time something negative happens, I hear the phrase "well, that's life" running in my head. It's definitely hard to keep our wall of faith standing strong but I know that when I do keep my faith, things fall into place faster and stronger.
    I wish I could fly too. :D

  2. I found you at MMB...I have anxiety as well, never thought to write about it, I am sure I can learn a lot from your blog! Have a great day!
