Thursday, September 10, 2009

A big scare can promote faith!

The other day while driving I was in an accident! Now before you worry it was not too bad! After the collision I got out shaking... All I could think was "WOW Heavenly Father must really be watching out for us!" I have never figured out while during hard, scary, lonely, and times when someone passes away we always feel our Heavenly Father's love the most! I did not sleep that night (I should add I was on the phone until 2 arranging a rental car, and dealing with my insurance) I just kept thinking what if... It's a mean game to play with yourself and one you will always lose but I could not help it! I am so grateful to be alive to have a chance to raise my children and to become a better person. Now I'd better go I am making dinner for my VT companion she just had a baby! Don't worry I'm not that righteous I already swore like 3 times today and drank a Dr. Pepper!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Lol! I love this post :D Sorry you were in an accident though, I wasn't laughing about that ;D
